Creating your first site

Once logged in #

When you have successfully logged into the web panel, you can then click “Create Site”.

Types of sites #

There are 2 types of websites, CMS and Manual site.

If you have selected CMS, it will install WordPress for you. WordPress allows for easy web creation, the use of plugins, a fully customizable interface and editor and a bunch more features.

However, if you have selected a Manual site, you must have a code for the site or have experience in coding in HTML, CSS, JS, and/or PHP. There are options for Laravel, but our staff team will not be able to assist you in this matter and you must refer to Using a manual site will allow you to edit every single aspect of the website, but requires more coding!

Inputting the correct credentials #

Which domain to bind? #

The value must be your domain or subdomain. Such as or

To which IP address? #

For this option, we recommend you select all, this will be better and more available for people around the world. Such as visitors who only have access to IPv6. This generally boosts SEO slightly due to the better support for handling users of all types.

Make sure that you also select “Add ‘www’ alias”.

DNS account #

For this, make sure that it says “Master”.

Name servers #

Set this to “Generate”.

For the next step, please ignore the following, but in this part, you can select the databases, sFTP/FTP accounts, and more. But it can be added later on whenever you need it.

Click “Create Site”! #

Our system will create the website based on your input. If you are struggling with this part, please contact us on Discord.

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Updated on 7 July 2024